Saturday 12 February 2011

Ghosts: Part 1 - General Information

Before I begin I'm just letting you all know that I'm seeling a bunch of old games and stuff on amazon to hopefully earn money to buy a camera to film my explorings :)

Now on to the topic of this post. I'm now beginning my research into ghosts. I'll start off with a short post to share what I know about them off the top of my head, and if anything I post is incorrect or anything like that you can leave me a comment to correct me. Also if you know of any sites/books that provide good information on ghosts or haunted locations let me know and I'll look into them.

Ghosts are the manifestation of a dead person/animal. They can range from invisible forces that can move objects (Poltergeists) to semi-translucent shapes (most commonly the shape of their previous body). They are generally stuck haunting a certain place either because they died there or it was a place that was an important part of their life. Most ghost activity goes unnoticed by people and ghosts can appear in the background of photographs even though nothing was seen at the time. Many people attempt to contact ghosts through seances or necromancy.

I really thought I knew more than that about ghosts lol. I think they are the basic facts that most people know about ghosts. I shall start proper research tomorrow and will hopefully have a more interesting read for you all.


  1. I've been always interested in paranormal stuff. Glad I found your blog bro.

  2. Try a Oiji board, or how to spell it

  3. I personally have used infrared cameras in the past in my explorations, can get some really interesting video from that.

  4. Great blog man, always been interested in paranormal shiz.

  5. I've always wondered about this kinda thing. I question everything.

  6. does this mean you also watch those ghost hunters on tv? I dont understand how the show is popular. They have never seen anything on the show.

  7. Good luck with your research, I look forward to reading your results.
